E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Europe: Europe on the Path towards a Common Model for Decentralised Exchange of E-Invoices and Tax Related Data?

E-Invoicing is no longer the future – it is happening now and at lightning speed. All around the world businesses and governments are benefitting from E-Invoicing and E-Reporting. Implemented in an efficient and consistent way, the opportunities start with real time early warning systems for fraud and lead to lean and cost saving invoicing and reporting processes.

In several European countries E-Invoicing is already mandatory or will become mandatory in the coming years. As good as this sounds, still there are challenges and hurdles to overcome: How can processes be standardised and optimised across Europe – and even globally – aiming to achieve a true interoperability which leads to benefits for all stakeholders?

The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will be held in Lisbon from September 26 to 28, 2022. At this well established and global networking platform participants will get in-depth information about recent developments and future trends in the field of E-Invoicing.

Key topic to be covered
+ Europe heading towards a common model for decentralised exchange of E-Invoices and tax related data
+ What should be the next steps for truly global interoperability?
+ Continuous Transaction Controls: What (multinational) companies expect from tax authorities and solution providers
+ Key findings and recommendations following the European Commission´s study on „VAT in the Digital Age“
+ Hyper automation trends enhancing performance in AP processes
+ Latest country updates from France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, the U.S., Middle East, and Africa

An exhibition of the leading industry partners in the field of E-Invoicing, payment and process automation will be featured.

More information on this E-Invoicing Exchange Summit: www.exchange-summit.com/europe

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